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  1. The past is in your rearview mirror, the present is a settlement, and the future is a world of unlimited possibilities and opportunities. 

  2. Successful Mediation enables parties to solve their worst problems, rebuild their lives, and reclaim their identities.

  3. Mediation is a negotiating  process to achieve a voluntary and mutually reasonable resolution of a dispute.

  4. A successful Mediation requires the parties and their counsel to be strategic, not emotionally reactive.

  5. To achieve settlement, clients and counsel must check their posturing, puffing, and emotional outrage at the door.

  6. A mutually approved Deal Point Agreement or Settlement Agreement and Mutual Release prior to the Mediation is the ticket to the dance for a successful and enforceable settlement.

  7. The parties must be prepared to make the lowest acceptable demand, and the highest acceptable payment proposal, during the first hour of the Mediation.

  8. A business divorce is worth the cost, and everything always costs more than projected if a case does not settle.

  9. Mediation is a lifeline to end the nightmare of litigation.

  10. Mediation is not rocket science, but a good faith collaboration by all participants to reach closure through number crunching and compromise.

  11. Even mortal enemies consumed by moral outrage and bitter hatred find ways to settle disputes.

  12. The parties and their counsel in a mediation are no longer adversaries, but instead, partners in resolution.

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